conversational chatbot


The new “king” of online marketing is conversation. Customers no longer want to take advertising claims at face value. They want to get involved and see what your brand is all about. 

Also, they want to have an emotional connection that makes them feel like their choice is “right.” In other words, the trend of the experience economy has changed the way marketing works and brought us to the beginning of conversational design.

You are here because of this.

Conversational UI design has been talked about and thought about for a while. But the ease with which we can now create conversational experiences has made this topic much more interesting to a much larger group of people.

Even though we have mastered SEO, readability, and user-friendly formatting for online content, creating conversations is still hard for many business and professional writers.

For one thing, conversations don’t seem to have any rules. They are hard to predict, more personal, and the use of everyday language often goes against instincts when trying to make a professional and authoritative impression.

When making a chatbot, the most important things are good communication and a great conversational experience. Chatbots are the technological bridges that connect businesses and customers to make online experiences faster and better.

Grand View’s research shows that by 2025, the global market for chatbots will be worth $1.25 billion. Customer engagement becomes more important as chatbots in the form of a conversational interface (UI/UX) will be used by a huge number of businesses.

You want to create your first conversational chatbot. You’re excited to see how a conversational experience will engage your customers in ways you didn’t expect. You want to know what all the fuss is about with Conversational AI.

You’re in the right place if you don’t know where to start.

Conversation design is a complicated topic that depends a lot on the project, the resources, and the company. But I tried to pick out its most important parts to give an overview of this new field of study.

This Conversation Design Workflow with 10 Steps includes all of the main steps that a Conversation Designer needs to deal with in an ideal project, from the initial research to the “go-live” stage.

What is Conversational Chatbot Design?

You have the option of modifying the copy on your website to make use of conversational concepts, similar to the example given with the Facebook post question. You also have the option of building an entire CI. 

In either case, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the most effective chatbot practices and the fact that conversation design is not merely the act of composing text in the shape of a conversation.

What is Conversational Chatbot Design?
What is Conversational Chatbot Design?

It involves a complicated set of abilities and meticulous planning, just like the process of developing a website, producing a book, or writing a movie script. 

Copywriting, user experience design, interaction design, visual design, motion design, and voice and audio design, if applicable, are just a few of the fields that go into making up conversational user interface design.

Google compares the work of a conversational designer to that of an architect, who maps out what users are capable of doing and achieving in a particular location while taking into account the user’s experience, needs, and the limitations of technological resources. 

To put it another way, conversation design requires not only the use of natural conversational language but also the creation of a logical conversational flow in addition to its design criteria that cover the whole user experience.

Acquiring a strong command of the guidelines is essential to developing a conversational marketing and sales approach that is fruitful. So let’s take a look!

Why is conversational UI/UX important for chatbot design?

Keep in mind who your end-user is at all times as you are creating the user interface (UI) for the chatbot. They are your customers, and one undeniable reality about customers is that they are critical. 

This cannot be denied. They are driven by a variety of different goals and look for opportunities to form emotional connections everywhere. As a result, it is essential to make a memorable first impression.

Because of this, chatbot design is becoming increasingly important, and you shouldn’t overlook the most important part, which is to make it seem as human as you can. 

When designing the user experience for your chatbot, the focus should be on the consumer. in order for the stunning UI/UX to favourably affect both your business and the relationships you have with your customers.

A well-thought-out chatbot design can make a bigger difference in a number of business tasks, such as:

Consistent experience for the customer— If your chatbot is well-made, it may help you predict your customers’ needs and answer their questions quickly and personally, which will make them happier.So, giving customers better service can help build a stronger brand.

Customer engagement has increased as businesses have come to realise how vital it is to maintain a relationship with their clientele. intelligently crafted chatbots with the purpose of engaging customers by understanding the intent of their questions and offering appropriate responses.

When your bots can offer help and tips to customers during interactions with those customers to make it easier for leads to be turned into customers, the number of leads they generate goes up.

Tips and strategies for developing a successful chatbot

Even though bots are strong channels for consumer engagement, many users claim that chatbots are unable to solve the problems they are experiencing, and they would rather talk to a real person than a bot in order to get their queries answered.

In all fairness, however, this impression could certainly use some work.

We are going to provide you with some pointers and suggestions on how to develop a chatbot that lives up to the standards set by both your business and your customers.

1. Goals and KPIs | Conversational Chatbot

The first and most important phase is to come to an understanding of the primary objectives of your conversational interface.

The primary objectives of it may be to make a sale, to make a reservation for a flight or a medical checkup, to assist visitors in navigating a website and locating information as rapidly as possible, or to engage them in lengthy conversations in order to create leads.

Tips and strategies for developing a successful chatbot
Tips and strategies for developing a successful chatbot

This brings up a very important question: why are you using a bot in the first place?

The purpose for which the chatbot will ultimately be used is an essential component of its overall design. 

The actual purpose is what your chatbot’s design needs to revolve around in order to be successful. You need to have a clear understanding of why you want to create a bot because:

Because of this, you will be able to develop an experience that is design-specific.

You will receive the appropriate parameters for its analysis as a result of this.

KLM Airlines developed a chatbot that can assist passengers with the initial booking of tickets using Facebook Messenger. 

The objective of the bot was eventually broadened to “help consumers with everything they need to bring to the destination.”

Having clear goals will not only help you make decisions during the design process, but it will also help you set up the right metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to track how well your conversational bot is doing after it has been released.

In order to accomplish this, you can:

Collect the business requirements by talking to the stakeholders about their needs and expectations, figuring out what problems they want to solve with a conversational interface, and, most importantly, what their idea of a successful task completion is.

Consider whether these objectives are a good fit for a chatbot or a voicebot; you should make it apparent from the beginning if the expectations are not realistic or cannot be satisfied with a conversational solution.

2. Understand Your Customers | Conversational Chatbot

Developing a connection with your targeted audience is the single most important thing that any business can do.

In addition, the first inquiry you should ask yourself is, “Who is your ideal prospect?” Who are the end users that you want to sell your products to and how can they be reached?

The first step in developing a chatbot is to gain an understanding of customer personas, which are also referred to as “buyer personas” or “buyer personalities.” This is an extremely important step. 

Understand Your Customers
Understand Your Customers

To make the process simpler and more relevant, it is helpful to have a general understanding of your consumers, such as where they reside, how old they are, what their hobbies are, and whether or not they like certain things. It will be much easier for you to define your target audience after you have all of this information.

If you are familiar with your ideal customers, you will have an easier time building your chatbot because:

It will be easier for you to define your bot flow if you have a clear understanding of the customer personas as well as customer expectations.

It lets you make the chatbot’s responses more relevant to the current situation so that they can meet customer needs.

When you are attempting to personalise an offer or a marketing campaign in order to appeal to the appropriate audience, creating customer personas can be an enormously helpful tool.

You might choose to focus your research on the following areas:

Who are your chatbots’ target users? You should start by making a list of some general traits of your target users. Then, you can use the contact history to see if these traits are shared by any of your contacts.

What are they looking for and what do they want to know? The most crucial thing to consider is whether or not the purpose of your chatbot genuinely reflects the requirements of its consumers. 

In the event that it does not, the users will not find it beneficial, and the stakeholders will feel the same way. With the help of this analysis, you’ll be able to figure out which questions come up most often and how you should answer them.

With the help of this analysis, you’ll be able to figure out which questions come up most often and how you should answer them.

How do they go about asking their questions? A request can be conveyed in almost an infinite number of ways, yet a particular group of users may share some recurrent grammatical or morphological structures, slang, or certain sociolinguistic traits.

Therefore, analysing real user requests is extremely vital if one wants to train the NLU algorithm effectively from the very beginning of the process.

After you have completed an analysis of the customers you wish to target, you can begin to define a few user personas by taking into consideration factors such as age, gender, language and culture, career and hobbies, and geographic location.

Because of this, the subsequent processes will be easier for you, as you will be able to create and write with a specific person in mind.

3. Make sure you pick the proper type of chatbot

Every company has its own specific list of necessities to meet. It is of the utmost importance to identify the kind of chatbots that will be implemented in order to properly engage customers. To do this, you will need to know how a chatbot works.

Rule-based chatbots and artificial intelligence chatbots are the two primary categories of chatbots.

Rule-based chatbots are often referred to as command-based or scripted bots. They operate based on predetermined rules.

Make sure you pick the proper type of chatbot
Make sure you pick the proper type of chatbot

 During discussions, these bots follow paths, scripts, and dialogues that have already been specified. 

The user will be required to select one of several explicit options at each stage of the dialogue, and their selection will impact what comes next in the conversation.

Conversational artificial intelligence chatbots are more frequently referred to as digital or virtual assistants. 

AI bots make use of natural language processing (NLP) technology to ascertain the intent of unique encounters. 

These bots can talk to humans using their conversational skills to give customers the information they are looking for.

Best practises:

Rule-based chatbots can be used because they adhere to preset rules and are simple to operate in more straightforward settings. 

These chatbots can answer simple questions, like those about business hours, the status of a delivery, or tracking information.

Study user behaviour and create more tailored chats by employing predictive intelligence and sentiment analysis to understand the context of the conversation.

Rule-based bots are highly recommended since the chat experience they provide is smoother and more natural. It is in your consumers’ best interests to have options available to them when they are conversing with the bot. It helps save time and enables conversations to flow more smoothly.

4. Define the personality of your bot | Conversational Chatbot

Have you ever considered the ways in which you could customise the interactions that take place between the bot and its users so that they are more life-like and representative of human interaction?

You can do this by giving your bot its own unique personality.

The creation of a rich personality for your chatbot will make it more real to your users and more relevant to their needs. 

Define the personality of your bot
Define the personality of your bot

Every interaction a chatbot has with a user should be informed by its personality. 

Users can learn more about the bot’s ultimate goal and how it will talk to them by choosing the right language, tone, and style for its personality.

Through the use of personalisation at scale, you can distil the voice of your company into the bot’s persona in order to offer a lot of options for personalised engagement with customers. 

You can give your bot a more distinct personality by giving it a name that is all its own. Because of this feature, your customers will feel like they are talking to a real person instead of a machine.

You have the option of customising a friendly welcome message that will greet users and actively assist them in finding the information they require. 

This opening greeting statement sets the tone for the entire flow of dialogue with guests. It also tells people about the products and services your business offers and helps them learn more about them.

5. Design of user flows | Conversational Chatbot

The identification of all the tasks and the manner in which the chatbot will direct users in each of those scenarios is one of the most difficult aspects of chatbot user experience design. 

During the conversation, your chatbot should be able to keep people interested by giving them quick answers and solutions.

With the assistance of a variety of actions, the situations can be broken down into separate steps that are referred to as nodes throughout the construction of the bot flow. These are some possible actions:

Design of user flows
Design of user flows
  • Establishing a warm and friendly greeting
  • Information gathering from site visitors
  • Responding with a variety of available choices to the user’s request

Each node is responsible for a certain action, and these individual steps are all intertwined with one another. To give your customers a better experience, you should try to make your chatbot’s conversational flow as real as possible.

How can you improve the flow of your chatbot so that it sounds as much like a conversation as possible?

Make it as interactive as possible. The incorporation of visual content, such as films, emojis, and gifs, is a fantastic addition to bot design. Visuals that are interactive 60,000 times more quickly and capture the interest of your users.

Reduce the amount of friction by making sure the design of your bot is conversational. Conversational bots let you have open conversations with your customers, so you can learn more about their needs and get more useful information.

Make it possible for your customers to communicate with a real person—and Incorporate human input into the design of your bot. In the event that the user desires to communicate with the support agent, there must be a straightforward method available.

Be honest but clear; don’t place blame on the user but also avoid overly apologetic language.

Specify what the bot can do, what people can ask, and even how they can ask it. Give options on how to continue the interaction, including how to continue the chat.

Allow customers to communicate with a live person; this could be done via e-mail, a support ticket, or a real-time live chat; the important thing is to let customers know that their concerns will be addressed, that they will be cared for, and that their requests will be met.

6. Prompted writing and copywriting | Conversational Chatbot

Beginning with the most obvious fact: most people don’t read!

They won’t take the time to appreciate the finely structured text that you’ve written, so there’s no point in wasting your time writing too much or “too well.”

It is important for a chatbot to be understandable and short in order to provide as much information as possible in as few words as possible and in the most user-friendly manner. 

Prompted writing and copywriting
Prompted writing and copywriting

If you have too much to say, give people the option to expressly request more information. For instance, you could include a button at the bottom of the paragraph that says “I want to know more” and give it to users who click on it.

Keep in mind the audience you are trying to reach, maintain the persona and tone of voice you choose to go with, and keep in mind that the medium you are employing (a chat) typically encourages the use of a variety of words, including both written and spoken forms. 

Even though you can use abbreviations, emoticons, and some features of spoken language in your messages, it is still not the same as a face-to-face chat.

7. A Powerful Combination: Chatbots and Live Chat

Live chat and chatbots are two excellent communication methods that can be utilised for real-time interaction with clients. 

By gaining an awareness of the benefits and drawbacks associated with live chat and chatbots, you will be able to gain greater insight into which of these two options is the best option for your company.

A Powerful Combination: Chatbots and Live Chat
A Powerful Combination: Chatbots and Live Chat

It is suggested that businesses combine the two channels to give their customers a better customer experience.

By utilising both platforms to provide clients with automated conversational help, a balance can be achieved between the tasks of the organisation. 

Chatbots can be a useful first point of connection for companies whose top focus is providing rapid responses and being available 247.

Live chat agents can be brought into more difficult conversations that call for more assistance if that option is available.

Best practises

You have the option of providing your consumers with a hybrid support system that includes live chat as well as chatbots. 

Simple questions are beyond the capabilities of bots, whereas more sophisticated questions can be answered by human agents. 

As a result, you will be able to offer the best of both worlds to your customers as a result of this.

Make it simple for users to get in touch with your customer service team by providing them with a means of doing so. 

This will make it easier for users to get involved and make it easier for customers to be happy.

8. Take a look at the metrics of your chatbot

After you have designed the chatbot, one of the most important phases is to determine how well the chatbot is actually working. 

Is the experience your customers have with the chatbot satisfying to them or not? It is necessary to perform the measurements in order to obtain the information.

The key performance indicators of the chatbot assist in determining whether or not the chatbot provided a positive overall experience for its users.

Take a look at the metrics of your chatbot
Take a look at the metrics of your chatbot

When doing an analysis of your experiences with chatbots, you should look into the following areas:

Check to see if your chatbot is accomplishing the primary goal that you set out to achieve while building it.

Your primary concern should be the goal-oriented optimization of your chatbot.

Explain in detail how you can get your audience to do what you want them to do in the best way.

The following are the primary metrics that should be measured for chatbots:

Total human handover is a term that describes the total number of conversations that are handed off from the bot to the human agents. 

It shows how well the bot was able to keep the customers interested by answering their questions.

Completed bot conversations are those that are handled totally by the bot and culminate in a successful conversion. 

This term refers to conversations that are entirely handled by the bot. There is no involvement whatsoever by human beings.

Customer satisfaction: Using a CSAT or an NPS survey, you may compute the score and find out how happy your customers are with the responses provided by your bot.

9. Consider other plans of action.

The process of building chatbots requires defining the backup situations as an essential component of the process. 

Users should anticipate receiving a response whenever they interact with your bot by posing a random request. 

In the event that your bot is unable to carry out the user’s requirements, then it is not the best option for the aforementioned circumstances.

Consider other plans of action
Consider other plans of action

When a user interacts with the bot and the bot doesn’t understand what’s going on, it could do one of the following things:

Handoffs to a person: If the bot can’t figure out what the user wants, the request should be sent to a person as soon as possible.

Handoffs to a person: If the bot can’t figure out what the user wants, the request should be sent to a person as soon as possible.

Fill out the form The chatbot might give the user a form that they need to fill out with a few pieces of information in order to get back into the service.

Ask the user to leave a message: The bot has the ability to request this from the user. The user will be given proper recognition and assistance with the problem.

When the backup alternatives are well established, the likelihood that users may walk away confused is significantly reduced. Instead, it’s helpful to wrap up chats on a more upbeat note.

10. Choose the appropriate platform.

It is critical that you develop your chatbot using the appropriate platform, so give it some thought. 

It is entirely dependent on the requirements of your business. When it comes to constructing chatbots, you have a choice between two different approaches. They are as follows:

Choose the appropriate platform
Choose the appropriate platform

A chatbot platform that is ready for use

Because they require less work and less time investment, ready-to-use bot platforms are somewhat of a blessing for enterprises. The following considerations should be made when choosing a bot platform:

Simple in operation—A ready-to-use bot platform includes established chatbot templates, and it makes it simple to construct the bot according to your specifications and deploy it across a variety of channels.

No coding required: You can build a chatbot without having to write any code, which will save you time and effort while also improving your ability to engage with your customers.

Human handover: Having a bot platform that offers the features of both live chat and chat makes it easier to efficiently manage conversations with customers. The more straightforward questions are handled by bots, while more complicated ones are passed forward to humans for assistance.

Complete analytics: Bot analytics may assist you in monitoring customer satisfaction.By keeping an eye on these signs, you’ll be able to figure out the most common questions your clients have and then teach your bot how to answer them.

Customers’ personal information is frequently gathered by bots, which poses a security risk. They also get access to all of the data from the conversations, which includes private information. For companies to win and keep our trust, they need to take the necessary precautions to protect their customers’ personal information.

Custom development

It is only recommended to design a customised bot development if your company’s requirements are particularly unique or if it has particularly complicated use cases. In these kinds of circumstances, it is quite likely that the ready-to-use bot platforms will not be able to provide the particular answer that your company requires.


The process of creating a chatbot combines elements of both art and science. It is an art to understand your target customers and the needs that they have, and it is a science to be able to transform those insights into little steps in order to provide a customer experience that is seamless.

You can bring in more customers by engaging them in an interactive manner if you go through the fundamentals of chatbot creation that were discussed previously. 

Therefore, with a well-designed chatbot, you may improve the overall experience of your customers and foster strong ties between your company and those customers. 

Clearly, designing a chatbot entails a great deal more than what is described in this article. If, on the other hand, you are interested in learning how to enter the realm of conversational interfaces, the following ten steps could be of use to you: Then why are you wasting time by waiting?

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