Different types of customers

What is a Customer?

A customer is an individual or business that sells products or services of another company. 

Consumers are important because they save money; without them, a business cannot continue.

All businesses compete with other companies to attract customers, either by forcefully promoting their products, by lowering prices to expand their sales base, or by developing unique products with interesting experiences.

Each type of customer is very different from other customers in many ways. And that’s why dealing with all your customers, in the same way, can be the biggest mistake you make in your sales business.

What are the different types of customers? Why should we handle them differently?


Your customers have different gender, personalities and they are spread across different stages of your sales funnel. 

Customers show different personalities and attitudes when they are potential customers or even when you need to help them through the stages of customer service and customer success.

We have seen that in such cases, having the same approach for different types of customers leads to bad experiences. 

And some studies You also need to understand the steps of the customer’s journey so that they can be better served and valued at every step of the way.

So let’s find out how you can connect with different types of users.

show that 33% of the customers leave a brand just because of a bad experience.

Instead of treating all your customers the same way, if you divide your customers into different categories and personalities, and handle them accordingly, you can make a huge difference in your revenue and brand authority.

You also need to understand the steps of the customer’s journey so that they can be better served and valued every step of the way.

So let’s find out how we can connect with different types of customers.

Different types of customers: Before Purchase

Customers before purchase
Customers before purchase

Our priority should be these types of customers because these customers are not aware of our products.

So our focus for such customers should be taken primarily to make them aware of our services, try to win their trust, and then lead them towards their first purchase.

Let’s figure out the different types of customers before the purchase stage and also how to deal with them. 

Please take this in your mind that any customer can fall under more than one type as well.

 1. Lookers | types-of-customers

The lookers are the customers who just keep a watch on your products.   

They browse your services and maybe they compare your services and products with your competitors. 

They have shown some interest, but they have yet to decide.

With such customers, it is important to get their attention somehow.

  • How to deal with lookers customers and how to make them happy?

Take a good look at your website or on-site store. Is the road clean and unobstructed? Are there any issues that may interfere with the customer’s journey?

The more comfortable and curious the experience, the more likely you are to attract a looker. Great landing page, attractive website look, or a particularly interesting shop window, and a looker.

If they are going to like their first visit, they can come back for more. Be sure to promote the newsletter sign-up.

2. Discount Customers / Bargaining Hunters

Discount Customers
Discount Customers

These are the customers who are interested in your product or services because you are offering them at a discounted price.

 No surety discounted customers are going to get it at the usual price.

They are strong customers. They will not agree with you unless they have a discount. 

A substantial one. However, any business person knows that discounting is not a good business strategy. 

They should only be offered after some substantial action by the customer. They are trying to buy more than the average customer but at the right price. 

These types of customers can be difficult to manage, but if you handle them properly, you can keep them.

  • How To Deal With Discount Customers And How To Make Them Happy?

Every customer likes to be treated special and to be valued. 

They want good personalised deals. So make them understand the value you are adding even at the discount price to your product. That way they will appreciate your product more and will last longer.

Discount customers often want the best deal possible. They will want to understand your contribution and your system better. 

So contact them through options like live chat or customer service. This will make them your loyal customers.

Offer discounted products without some features. That way you don’t have to worry about losing money and still keep the discount hunters happy.

You don’t have to bleed to do this; discounts are not a reasonable conversion strategy. Do it smart!

3. Researchers | types-of-customers

Researchers are the customers who have done their research about your products and also compared you with your competitors. And they are looking for the best possible option.

They love getting information, so make that research possible for them. 

Prepare comparisons, technical specifications, and detailed information. Involve researchers, and in return, they will become your customers.

More and more customers are doing thorough research before making a deal. 

With a crowded market, it’s your job to make sure they have all the data they need to make that decision with your brand.

  • How To Deal With Researchers Customers And How To Make Them Happy?

You can change researchers’ decisions by adding You can change researchers’ decisions by including social evidence such as testimonials and case studies. 

They will look into every detail. So it’s best to go out and provide as much detail as possible.

Include a comparison of wireframes, white papers, and features on your website to help them better understand your services.

Focus on your value proposition. Make them realise that you are offering something that no one else will.

Create frames with lots of data, great visuals, and high-quality photos. Comparing the features, the white paper is going to shed some light on possible options. 

It’s all about keeping researchers happy.

4. Impulse Customers

Impulse Customers
Impulse Customers

Impulse customers do not plan to purchase your products or any of the products for that matter. They make purchasing decisions based on current enthusiasm.

They don’t need to be reassured but don’t be fooled; It’s not like they’re going to buy anything you sell. Impulse buyers do no research; They do not need to be purchased.

They do this because of some error or non-physical reason. They are not loyal customers; however, in some industries, they can be a big part of the market.

  • How To Deal With Impulse Customers And How To Make Them Happy?

Give them a smooth experience throughout the funnel. Remove even the slightest obstruction and make the entire buying journey a slippery slipper.

Time-sensitive offers work best for these types of customers. So offer them timely deals that make it necessary.

Keep your website copy clear and attractive. Then the user makes a motive buying decision in your favour.

Make the payment process accessible and instant, and remove any obstacles on the way to purchasing. In this respect, Impulse Customers are very similar to Lookers, so apply the same rules to satisfy them. 

Exclusive, time-limited offers may attract Impulse Customers.

5. Unsure Customers | types-of-customers

Intention: Seeking confidence in a possible purchase.

Despite your best efforts, some clients will take much longer to convert than others.

The entire customer journey may be perfect, but they are still unsure about the purchase. 

This could be for a variety of reasons.

Perhaps they are waiting for a better deal. They may argue about whether a particular product is right for them.

  • So how can you convince this type of customer to change?  

Make all your communication channels easily accessible, such as chatbots or live chat options. This step may change their decision in your favour.

Focus on your USP and pricing proposal. Offer unique solutions, provide first-class customer service and be with them every step of the way.

6. Looking- to – Switch Customers

switch customers
switch customers

Switching customers who have subscribed to the same product or service but are dissatisfied with them. So they see you as an alternative.

The good news is that these customers are willing to spend. You have to do all this to push them in your direction.

  • How To Deal With Looking- to – Switch Customers Customers And How To Make Them Happy?

The first is that you should look for competitors. Find out what they are missing out on or where they are lagging. Try to bridge these gaps with your services.

Again, focus on your USP and pricing proposal. Tell them what makes you a better choice.

Get to know their objections and obstacles and offer solutions.

The next type of customer is the ones who already 

purchased your product or services. All you need to do is look for your customers who are already familiar with the brand and new to know your brand.

They have already made purchases, so now you have to focus on keeping them by adding them to the maximum profit.

7. New Customers | types of customers

Imagine being approached by a brand. You just bought their product; It’s all new and shiny. Well, that’s fine, but you get lost. 

Are there other products that compliment it? Can you do something extra with your new toy?

Extra guidance would be great, right? It’s the same for your customers. If they are new to your brand and offer, they will need some help.

Don’t miss any opportunities and offer them the easiest way to get in touch with your company.

  • How to deal with New Customers?

Always have a smooth, onboarding process. Guide them through the steps and provide them with comprehensive guidance.

Do you know that the # 1 reason why customers change your competitors is that they feel appreciated? Therefore, you should try extra by providing options like live chat, video chat, and co-browsing. By providing such options, your customers will know that you truly value them, and in this way, you can turn your new customers into loyal customers.

8. Active Customers

active customers
active customers

Active customers are money makers. However, they are also your most important critics. Already they know your brand and product, they expect the best. Quality that doesn’t change.

Those two types of customers make up a large part of your customer base. 

Remember, it is always cheaper to keep your existing customers happy than to attract new customers or fight for those who have already left.

  • How To Deal With Active Customers And How To Make Them Happy?

Providing the best-in-class customer service is the key here. Constant engagement and interaction will allow your new customers to connect more with your brand. 

If you guide such new customers on their journey, they will think twice before visiting your competitors.

Don’t be the kind of brand that only cares about potential leads. Create offers to add value to your active and returning customers. Maybe some discount? New price plans? Special training video content?

Take good care of these types of customers, and you can sleep well – your business is going to be safe.

9. Lapsed Customer | types of customers

They are already gone, but are they gone? Of course, you didn’t pay enough, or your customer service was lacking. 

You annoyed them and they closed the door of your brand.  

Don’t give up! All doors can be opened. You have a major advantage over the competition. They already know you.

We are human beings, we like familiar things. We generally hate change. If you manage to resolve any issues, your customers may return.

  • How To Deal With Lapsed Customers And How To Make Them Happy?

After distributing these lapsed customers, your first step should be to find out why they left you. 

Did they have a customer service complaint? Have they got any good deals with your customers?

Before you reach a lapsed customer, make sure you’ve solved all the problems and then some. 

There will be no third chance, so time is of the essence. Create some interesting sales or a new product, know that your problems are gone. Then ask customers to rejoin you.

10. Unhappy Customers

unhappy customers
Unhappy customers

Unhappy customers are the most critical to handle. 

Such customers have made purchases from you but are dissatisfied with your brand or your services.

You can find them through various cues such as customer service complaints, stopping self-renewal for customers, downgrading their plans, or negative reviews/comments on social media.

Not paying attention to unhappy customers at the right time can lead to an increase in rates or even negative feedback and bad publicity. 

That’s why it’s important to handle angry customers properly.

  • How To Deal With Unhappy Customers And How To Make Them Happy?

Control your sales services and communication channels for the benefit of your needs or negative information. 

With it, you can identify dissatisfied customers before it’s too late.

You can then actively follow up with your customers. 

You can follow through various support channels such as Live Chat and ask for feedback from customers. By doing so, you solve the problem and prevent some mildly dissatisfied customers from turning into angry customers.

Once you have identified these customers, talk to them and understand their complaints and objections. Then start fixing them as soon as possible. 

This step can turn your dissatisfied customers into repeat customers.

11. At – Risk Customers

They are not yet ready to leave but are already signalling their disappointment. 

They may have lowered their subscription, made fewer purchases, contacted your support team.

Watch for warning signs and react. You don’t have much time right now.

You can identify these clients again by certain signals. For example, if it’s been a long time since they logged in or used your services, that means they’re about to leave.

  • How To Deal With At-Risk Customers And How To Make Them Happy?

You should try to contact these customers yourself to find out why they are not using your service now. 

But you must make sure that you do not harass them.

Some clients may have already made a decision, but some clients may change their minds depending on your interaction with them. 

So it’s worth a try. Again, understand their pain points and do your best to heal them.

Your business is not built in stone; It needs to be improved and developed. Monitor your customer service channels and social media for any signs of problems.

Fix problems as they arise, don’t wait. It’s cheaper to apologise and offer some compensation than to lose a customer.

12. Referral Customers

Referral customers
Referral customers

Referral customers are your loyal customers who send your brand. Therefore, they are more likely to know a little about your work.

In addition, your loyal customers convince the customers to go with you. So their hopes may be high among you. They may also have been completely lost and do not know where to go next.

  • How To Deal With Referral Customers And How To Make Them Happy?

Again, create a clear and comprehensive onboarding plan for these customers. Make sure you guide them so they can experience a seamless onboarding process with you.

Referral customers may be here because they are interested in certain products or services that your loyal customers have told them about. 

Therefore, it is best to talk to such customers and find out their expectations from you.

  • Types of Customers: Loyal

The next type of customer is the Loyal Customer. There are other types of customer personalities that you may have to distribute and handle separately.

13. Loyal Customers

Loyal customers are the best customers for your business. Loyal customer types keep coming back for different products and services, and they seem to be influenced by your brand.

In addition to keeping them for a long time, you need to understand what factors made them loyal in the first place.

They are here as long as you sell. It’s not just customers; They are happy people! Good job, thanks! 

Your hard work and dedication paid off. Achieving customer loyalty in a saturated, crowded market is not an easy task.

  • How To Deal With Loyal Customers And How To Make Them Happy?

Introduce your loyal clients to your case studies or get their testimonials. 

This will make them feel more valuable, and give you more social proof to add to your website.

Connect with them and understand their success story. 

Understand what they like about your brand and what makes them your loyal customers. Use their experiences and try to repeat the same for all your other clients.

14. Lifetime Customers

Lifetime customers
Lifetime customers

Lifetime Customers are the best kind of customers in all spheres. 

Lifetime customers are your regular customers, but even better! They have opted for a lifetime subscription to your product or service.

As they are your Lifetime Customers then you should take all the possible efforts to make them happy.

  • How To Deal With Lifetime Customers And How To Make Them Happy?

Because they are already your lifetime customers, it’s easy to forget them and focus on other customers. 

But remember that these types of customers are going to bring you a lot of new customers and good PR. 

Therefore, creating value for them and making them a part of your community will make your lifelong customers feel special.

Another useful thing to do is to educate your lifetime customers. 

And tell your lifetime customers about your referral programs and give them an incentive to get other people to recommend you.

15. Referring Customers

Referring Customers are the ones who are always happy with your product and services. They spread the news about your brand. 

Referring to customers is better than any marketing strategy, even paid ones. Their word is of great value because they have no ulterior motives. This is the most trusted social evidence.

  • How To Deal With Referring Customers And How To Make Them Happy?

Referral types will rarely attract new clients themselves. That’s why you should take the first step by identifying all those willing to refer customers. 

You can do this by asking for feedback from your active customers. If you get rave positive reviews, ask them if they are willing to recommend your services to other people.

You can also provide referring clients with some incentives for referring new clients to you. This will encourage them to refer more people to your brand again.

16. Advocate Customers

Advocate Customers
Advocate Customers

Advocates are the types of customers that are by far your most profitable clients. In addition to being loyal or lifetime customers, they are also loyal supporters of your brand.

They talk about your company and your services at every opportunity. And they’ve already referred a bunch of clients to you.

Advocate customers go one step further. They spread the word about your brand, such as referring to customers.

 In addition, they engage in online and actual conversations about a brand; They promote it through testimonials and case studies. 

This type of client, advocate, and referral deserves your utmost attention.

How To Deal With Advocate Customers And How To Make Them Happy?

Keep your advocate customers in the limelight at every opportunity. Use them for your case studies, post their testimonials on your homepage. 

This will encourage them to do more advocacy for your brand.

Make sure you never disappoint your advocate customer with any bugs or customer service issues. 

Always be present for them during their journey. And try to lead them to customer success.

  • Conclusion
Every client needs to be treated differently and in a good way

I am damn sure of the above-mentioned tips and tricks on different types of customers and how to approach them and how to make them happy have been eye-opening for you. 

This works especially if you don’t think much about distributing to your customers and treating them differently according to their personalities.

So why are you being late? Start today and create a plan on how you are going to segment customer types and how you plan on dealing with them.

Always Remember that personalization, the best customer service, the highest added value, and a focus on customer success are key factors in satisfying your customers.

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SocialNowa Chatbot has awesome features. To know more about these features please do visit socialnowa.io  

Can you keep all kinds of customers happy?

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